Are you more of a Black Friday or Cyber Monday girl? Tell us about your best deal or your craziest shopping story.
Here's my story, friends. I've been going out on black Friday ever since... well, as long as I can remember. My mom and I go. We always have. Probably since I was 8 or 9. (I'm 30-something now.) Maybe longer.
If you met my mom, your first remark would likely be that she's a very small person. I'm short, and I tower over her. But she's wiry! Anyway, she has always hit those black Friday sales with gusto! She trained in the early 80's procuring Cabbage Patch Kids.....
About 5 years ago (and forgive me, I don't remember if this was black Friday or day after Christmas. It doesn't matter, really) we were at Dillard's when the doors opened.
If you don't have Dillard's where you are, it's like an old-school Macy's.
What everyone wanted was upstairs.
(Can't remember what it was, it doesn't matter now).
There are only 2 ways upstairs in Dillard's -- the escalator or the elevator. And the up and down escalators are these big sweeping things in the main area of the store.
So there was this awful slow line to go on the escalator. My mom yells -- "Go up the down one!"
And off we go.
We ran UP the DOWN escalator to claim whatever item it was we wanted.....
{Do you know how challenging it is to run all the way up a giant sweeping Dillard's DOWN escalator? It's challenging.}
But I will always remember my teeny little mom sprinting her way up.
We made it, by the way.
Security didn't get us.
They couldn't catch us.
But what I'd really like to tell you is that for me, this shopping experience is not about saving money or even getting my Christmas shopping done. It's about spending that time with my mom.
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The Mint Cleaner is available at the following places:
GREAT story! I agree, it's about time with your Mom, daughter, sister, friend etc. My daughter and I go to the stores, but not to sack the prize, but mostly to spend a day together. Great fun.