Wednesday, August 5, 2009

little fancy pants

I don't sew clothes. I've confessed this before. But now that I have 2 little girls, I have an uncontrollable urge to dress them alike. And the easiest way to do that is to sew for them... hmmm...
I made this little outfit for my 5 month old. Not too difficult, but I'll admit that it's much more of a challenge to me than quilting is! Sorry the picture's not great. By the time I had figured out that the picture was crummy, the outfit had some extra "embellishment" on it, i.e. spitup.
I did learn that my machine has an overcast stitch much like a serger stitch. That was fun to play with. I think I'm going to make a matching set for my 2 year old.
Next I want to learn to use elastic thread to do smocking. So I have bought this pattern for a little smocked dress.
So what else do you think I should try to make for them?


  1. Hey look at these patterns.... and I have a four month old, funny how a girl baby makes you get urge to sew eh!

  2. I make my daughter twirly skirts! They are super easy. Maybe it is time for me to figure out how to post a tutorial :) Super cute pants!
